This page contains links to my favorite breastfeeding sites and resources, with commentary of what you will find at that sight and books too!
GENERAL INTEREST WEBSITES:La Leche League International
The oldest and largest breastfeeding resource in the world, with links to local chapters Really good information I often use her posters, video online Kelly Mom Dr Jack Newman links, videos, links to other good websites Breastfeeding Online Great handouts, reverse-pressure softening, Dr. Newman handouts and video. Normal Fed Diane Weissinger’s website of writings on normal breastfeeding, help with problems are no longer online but I can share by topic. Breastfeeding USA A new support organization for Breastfeeding Families Tongue Tie / Bodywork Resources
Breastfeeding PDF Dr. Kotlow,DDS Many good pictures of sneaky tongue-ties. Tether Berg vs Tether Floe An article that discusses why some Tongue-tie releases seem to work so well right away and some take longer to resolve Dr. Bobby Ghaheri Blogs A lot of excellent information. The one on family support could be very helpful to read if you are having trouble getting support for releasing a tether from family or doctor. Advocates for Tongue-Tie Education the Fast Facts document is helpful. Aftercare See New Thoughts on Infant Post-Frenotomy Care by Melissa Cole If you think your child has a lip, tongue or other oral tissue tie, you need to have resources to educate yourself. It is also VERY important that you work with an Ibclc to make sure that every effort is made to improve the latch and relieve any pain you may be having first, as other issues can be impacting the situation. Aftercare is important too and there are many opinions on what and how to do it. I believe it varies with the baby a lot. See my Bodywork page, but here are additional links on that I think will help you understand the value for babies struggling to feed well. Hand Expressions/PumpingVideos on hand expression of breastmilk, hands-on pumping and getting more out of the pump
Stanford Newborns - maximizing production Stanford Newborns - hand expression Hand Expression another method by Maya Bolman and Ann Witt Flange Fitting I can do this, but here is information on how and why we are rethinking sizing bic_flangefitsguide_wa_v3.pdf FeedingDealing With Feeding Tubes for information on medications while breastfeeding. |
BooksThe Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers by Dr. Jack Newman and Teresa Pitman Breastfeeding Made Simple Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers By Nancy Mohrbacher and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett The Nursing Mother’s Herbal by Sheila Humphrey Hirkani’s Daughters compiled and edited by Jennifer Hicks working and breastfeeding These are the best books on twins, plus, I have seen. Mothering Multiples by Karen Gromada Having Twins by Elizabeth Noble Our Babies, Ourselves by Meredith F. Small Looks at parenting from a biological perspective My Child Won't Eat by Dr. Carlos Gonzalez VideosThis is a video made in Australia, interviewing young breastfeeding moms. It is 18 minutes long but contains a fabulous animation of a good latch. Watch Now
Paced feedings: Breastfed babies who are sometimes bottle-fed take in the right amount of milk, more comfortably when we keep it an active behavior as breastfeeding is active, not passive. Here are some links to explain it to caregivers: Watch Video Tear Sheet Tool Kit Baby Led Bottle Feeding SAFE SLEEP: Safe Sleeping Pamphlet on safe co-sleeping Specific Feeding Issues
Karen Gromada
For help with multiples How one grandma made it work Baby refusing Bottle? or Baby Refusing Breast? Low Milk For questions regarding true vs. perceived low milk supply, and what to do about it. Mobi Motherhood Mothers overcoming breastfeeding issues |